Had a great birthday with Kristin and the boys. We are finally getting out Tyler's 1 year pics.
This is our favorite with his little grin
Sharing a donut with Dad at Starbucks, although Dad doesn't get much donut these days :)
Tyler's first trip to Home Depot, this is a special time in a guy's life.
The boys going for a bike ride
Kristin's awesome homemade birthday cake, Jake "helped" make it and picked out the airplane decoration.
...and Tyler helped eat it
Jake and his friend Maddox hunting the cat
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Another fun summer weekend.
Jake and Kristin went on a field trip to the aquarium with pre-school.
Tyler chilling in the jacuzzi.
Ice cream at DQ.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Another jam-packed weekend. Saturday we went around the lake to feed the ducks. Saturday night Jake and Tyler went to a pizza party and Kristin and I went to dinner and a movie. Sunday, Kristin and I went out on the lake to try and work on our wake boarding muscles for our trip coming up in Sept. One of Jake’s preschool ladies watched the boys. Tonight we went to a concert in the park with some friends that live in our complex.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Kristin and the boys are back and it’s good to have everybody home. Tyler has grown and developed so much in four weeks. He has a full head of teeth and is pulling himself up with ease. He is incredibly fast on his knees and it’s like trying to dress a greased pig to try and change or put clothes on the boy. He also is able to eat more regular food and feed himself better. Jake is just as “high energy” as ever. The first thing he wants to do is go flying, and how can I resist that.
Jake likes sushi, here he is using his chop sticks