I cut the boys hair last week and grabbed the wrong guard
when I went to do the top of Tyler's head, so now he looks like he's in boot
camp. Good thing he's too young to care. I brought lunch to Jake at school for
Lunch with Dads week on Monday and Kristin made it back from her business trip
for both of us to go to his Thanksgiving feast on Friday with the kindergarten
classes. Kristin and I went with friends to the San Diego food and wine festival
Saturday and stayed overnight down town. Jakes pre-school teacher from before we moved, Ms.
Stephanie, came and stayed with the boys and they had fun. Jake has off school
next week so Kristin arranged for Jake to go to his old pre-school with Tyler
for a couple days so that should be neat although we had to explain to him that
his old class mates aren't there anymore.
Lunch with Jake |
Private VanSant reporting for duty. |
Thanksgiving program and feast