Pap-Pap came out to visit us for a week and helped build and
put up a built-in entertainment center cabinets in our living room, which turned out awesome. The boys had
fun playing with Pap-pap and were sad when they woke up and he had gone back to
Maryland on an early morning flight Wednesday.
Jakes T-ball practice is going well. He is definitely one of the
better players. I assist with coaching the boys and it's like trying to herd
cats keeping all the boys on the team interested and on task. They all seem to
have fun and that's what's important. Jake's best friend at school and a few of
his classmates are on his team.
Tyler is doing well and is as cute as ever. We got him riding
Jakes electric dirt bike in the grass at the park today. He isn't quite as fearless
as Jake was/is but he did pretty well for his first ride by himself. I'm
looking forward to when I can take them both to the track.
I signed Jake up for his first motocross race next Sunday. He
is super excited for that. We went riding today and people always comment to me
how good he is for being so young, so we'll see how he does banging handlebars
in a pack.
Jake had a charity fun run at school. He did 29 laps. Thank
you to all who sponsored him.
Valentine's Day
Jake's Valentine's Day party at school
Jake showing Pap-pap how he rips up the track.
Jake showing Pap-pap how to play Angry Birds.
Getting some batting practice in with some guidance from
Jake had off school Friday so he, Mommy and the Ceglie girls went and saw the Lego movie
And then Jake "accidentally" fell in the pool, so
it became a swim day.
Jake waiting to be batted in from third
Jake building legos.
Jake practicing some gate starts with the older boys.
Tyler's first time riding by himself.