Monday, September 25, 2017

We went fishing with some friends who just got a sport fishing boat. The boys had a blast catching fish. Jake even wanted to eat his catch. Our neighbors helped him clean and cook his kelp bass. Thanks Walt and Monica for taking us! 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The boys started back up with soccer. It's nice now that the weather is cooling down. This is the first time Tyler has played real competitive soccer. He really likes it and is doing pretty good. Jake is playing 6 on 6 on the big field now. He made some text-book passes down the field with a teammate to set him up to make an awesome goal. We got a new toy to haul our toys. The boys are pretty excited. It should be a lot of fun with desert season coming up.

Updated their posters

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jake met his school buddy for yogurt on Friday. Saturday, we rode our bikes to the Poway Day carnival. The boys had fun but we learned that Jake can't handle a lot of rides that go in circles all in a row. Jake had a race and Tyler came riding today. Jake did great and Tyler is finding some speed.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Jake started the 4th grade this week and both he and Tyler like their teachers. We had a really hot week temperature wise. Sunday, we went to the science museum in Balboa Park to stay in the A/C. The boys had fun playing with all the displays and we saw a movie about Lemurs in the IMAX theatre. Thankfully it is cooling down this week.

 Celebrating Daddy's birthday

 Keeping cool in the neighbor's pool

 Sending Morse code to each other