Sunday, June 23, 2024

Amazing vacation! We flew to Orlando Florida for a 7-day Disney Cruise with the Isakson cousins. The day before the cruise we went to the Kennedy Space Center again. It’s been 6 years since the last time and Tyler is way in to rockets and spacecraft now, so it was a great visit. Our first cruise stop was Cozumel, Mexico where we went on a snorkeling trip. Our next port was Grand Cayman where we rented a private charter, played with sting rays and more snorkeling. Then we went to Jamaica, there we did a little shopping and went into town for lunch. Last stop was Disney’s Castaway Cay for some relaxing on the beach and more snorkeling. We went to Universal Studios the day we got off the ship. We got in a good half day till it started pouring down buckets and lightning closed most rides. Still, we had a great trip!!

Tyler carrying on Grandma Isaksons favorite desert, a Mickey bar with sprinkles

Tyler practicing his Spanish with a local he just started talking to. He got an "F" in Spanish, so who knows what he said :)

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Boys have been busy the last few weeks of school. Football practice started for Jake and Tyler is still doing Jujitsu. Both did great on their report cards, almost all “A’s” with one “B” each. Tyler was recognized for his academic achievement at school. Went to a neighbor friend’s grandson’s birthday and the boys did great playing with the little kids. Excited for the Disney cruise next week!!